Fluxus box 2018


"Euro Trip Fluxus Box"
Foam Board, Wood Glue, Joint Compound,Gesso, Ink, Sharpie

    A Fluxus box is a container with multiple accompanying objects that are used to express a story, memory, poem, or event in physical form. For this project we were asked to pick a movie we liked and to represent this movie in a Fluxus box. My Fluxus box is a representation of the 2000s hit Euro trip, in which a group of american teenagers go on a backpacking trip through Europe in order to find his beautiful pen pal and to find love. This film at face value is a comedy about teenagers and experiencing new things in a new environment. But whats really interesting is the portrayal of stereotypes within the movie. There are literally so many stereotypes in this movie for almost every race, culture, or type of person. Stereotypes are something to embrace and to accept in the film. For one example the american teenagers are traveling across Europe and find themselves on a bus filled with Soccer (Football in Europe) fans. The teenagers are visually uncomfortable in the bus until they begin to sing the fight song and are accepted into the culture. They learned that the stereotype exists for a reason, but is not concrete. So for my Fluxus box I wanted to mold the outside into a geographical map of sorts that could demonstrate the emotional journey of the movie. It is constructed out of foam board and joint compound so the texture varies from area to area like on a real map. As for my constructed objects I chose to embody some of the more prominent stereotypes.

Who are you really talking to online?
 Amsterdam drug culture
 "Football"fans are warped soccer fans
 Only certain people can listen to certain music
The idea of  "Us V.s Them"
 Everything always happens for a reason and nothing is random

1) "Euro Trip" (2004)
2) How Culture Drives Behaviors, Julien S. Bourrelle, Ted Talk
3) The World by Paula Scherr
