Balsa Wood and Paper revisited 2018

Wood Sculpture
"Sun Altar"
Balsa wood, Pine, Wood glue
4 inches long, by 3 inches wide, by 5 inches tall

For this project I started by gluing different types of wood together and keeping them pressed together with clamps. I then used the large belt sander in our wood shop to smooth the now fused block of various woods. I was thinking of the principle of texture and how these layers of wood would feel and how they would feel to look at. I wanted to play a lot with he principle of form as well, i sanded the wood block down until it formed into a wood ball. This ball was able to show off the individual different textures of the types of wood but physically flt the same all around. I then mounted it onto a small rounded, symmetrical altar and drilled a small hole on one side and a large hole on the other. this was done to mess with the light that would fall through the center hence the name "Sun Altar".
*I did not get this project back after it was turned in so no professional final photos are available. 

Paper Sculpture
"Light Pyramid"
4 inches long, by 4 inches wide, by 4 inches tall.

For this project I wanted to experiment with paper folding. Rather than cutting or breaking the form of the paper I wanted to find a way to create a new shape but keep the papers original form intact. I played around with folding different sizes of paper and folding various shapes. I tried cutting small patterns into the paper and found that they allowed light to travel through the structure of a pyramid. This reminded me of the movie "The Mummy", where they use mirrors to reflect light through the interior of the pyramid. Playing off the principle of light i constructed a pyramid out of white paper with one large opening. i then folded a smaller black pyramid and placed it inside of the larger pyramid. Making the inside pyramid hard to see unless looked at in direct light.
*I did not get this project back after it was turned in so no professional final photos are available. 
